Pokemon League Challenge March 29th 2 pm


Join us for our monthly League Challenge! Players of all ages are welcomed to attend. Entry costs $15 and includes snacks, a free soft drink, and 2 packs per person in the prize pool divided among top players in each age division PLUS special League packs for all! The event starts at 2 pm, however please arrive earlier with a typed-out deck list (you can print out a deck list and fill it out as well) as well as your deck for a deck check by a judge. Players must use a sleeved, standard-legal deck. Standard-legal cards comprise of cards in the F-, G- and H block in the English language. E BLOCK IS OUT OF ROTATION!

Email us at 3rduniverse@gmail.com or call at 914-827-3600 if you have any questions.

***please note that if you cancel your spot, we are only processing refunds in store credit***

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Join us for our monthly League Challenge! Players of all ages are welcomed to attend. Entry costs $15 and includes snacks, a free soft drink, and 2 packs per person in the prize pool divided among top players in each age division PLUS special League packs for all! The event starts at 2 pm, however please arrive earlier with a typed-out deck list (you can print out a deck list and fill it out as well) as well as your deck for a deck check by a judge. Players must use a sleeved, standard-legal deck. Standard-legal cards comprise of cards in the F-, G- and H block in the English language. E BLOCK IS OUT OF ROTATION!

Email us at 3rduniverse@gmail.com or call at 914-827-3600 if you have any questions.

***please note that if you cancel your spot, we are only processing refunds in store credit***

Join us for our monthly League Challenge! Players of all ages are welcomed to attend. Entry costs $15 and includes snacks, a free soft drink, and 2 packs per person in the prize pool divided among top players in each age division PLUS special League packs for all! The event starts at 2 pm, however please arrive earlier with a typed-out deck list (you can print out a deck list and fill it out as well) as well as your deck for a deck check by a judge. Players must use a sleeved, standard-legal deck. Standard-legal cards comprise of cards in the F-, G- and H block in the English language. E BLOCK IS OUT OF ROTATION!

Email us at 3rduniverse@gmail.com or call at 914-827-3600 if you have any questions.

***please note that if you cancel your spot, we are only processing refunds in store credit***